The Department of Energy Resources is one of the four departments at Ndata School of Climate and Earth Sciences. Under the leadership of Dr John Taulo as head of department, this department covers sustainable energy engineering, petroleum geosciences, and energy management.
Mandate To provide training to both undergraduates and post graduates, conduct research and consultancy services in energy resources for sustainable development of the country.
Vision To become a vibrant and recognized department in energy engineering, innovation, Research and Development (R&D), entrepreneurship, and outreach programs.
Mission To coordinate, facilitate and promote the participation of all stakeholders in training and research in energy resources.
Specific objectives To equip students with the technical knowledge necessary to work effectively as energy engineers in an applied environment.
To provide students with adequate experience to design systems as individuals and within teams.
To qualify engineers who respect the ethics of their profession.
To equip students with good communication skills.
To prepare students for life-long learning and continuing education.
To equip students with skills in entrepreneurship
To achieve international reputation in distinct research areas of sustainable energy systems and geo-energy resources
Strategic outcomes The overall strategic outcome of the School is to ensure that there is an Increased Number of Experts in Climate and Earth Sciences in the country. Specifically this implies:
Increased number of energy experts with capability to work efficiently in an applied environment
Increased research in sustainable energy systems and geo-energy resources
Increased number of people trained in energy governance
Increased research in energy governance
Increased number of women trained in energy resources who will take an active role in decision making on issues concerning energy
Increased collaborations with local and international institutions in Research and Development
Increased number of female experts in energy sustainable energy systems and geo-energy resources
Increased number of graduates in entrepreneurship in sustainable energy systems and geo-energy resources
Contact Dr John Taulo Head of Department Email: