About Us


A world-class centre of science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.


To provide a pioneering, relevant, and umunthucentric pedagogical experience in teaching and learning, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship responsive to the evolving needs of the society.

Core Values

Excellence, Innovativeness, Commitment, Professionalism, Integrity, Competitiveness, Openness to diversity, Entrepreneurship, Umunthu.


1. To provide quality learning opportunities for students in science and technology for economic development;
2.To encourage advancement of knowledge dissemination and commercialisation of research products;
3. To promote industrial growth through research and knowledge dissemination;
4. To establish and support science and technology centres of excellence for industrial production and growth;
5. To develop partnership with industry for the generation, transfer, adoption and application of technologies;
6. To develop into an institution of excellence in teaching, learning, training, research, consultancy and dissemination of knowledge in science, engineering and technology;
7. To promote entrepreneurship amongst students and staff;
8. To provide specialized training in such subjects as may be deemed desirable for such purposes by the Council.


The Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) is Malawi’s fourth public university established by an Act of Parliament Number 31 of 2012. Situated in Ndata, Thyolo, its groundbreaking ceremony took place on April 11, 2011 and was led by the founder, then President, His Excellency the late Professor Bingu wa Mutharika. MUST was officially opened on October 24, 2014 by then president, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

The university’s establishment was aimed at filling the gaps that existed in the higher education and human resource development market. As such, its main aim was to promote development, adaptation, transfer and application of science, technology and innovation for macro- and microeconomic development of Malawi. This was anchored by MUST’s vision of being a world-class centre of science and technology education, research and entrepreneurship and its mission of providing a conducive environment for quality education, training, research, entrepreneurship and outreach to facilitate economic growth in Malawi and beyond.