
MSc in One Health

Program Code





2 years

Offered as

MSc in One Health

Program Description

The One Health curriculum is to build capacity and expertise that can address emerging issues of ecosystems, animal and human health to minimize both economic and human losses due to crises arising from natural and anthropogenic situations. The specific objective is to train and educate workforces, who are equipped to deal with the interrelated and interconnected challenges of human, animal and environmental health. ‘One Health’ is a public health approach which promotes the health of humans, animals and the environment in all policies, practices and programmes. It is closely linked to the ecological health with the underlying premise that the health and well-being of humans and animals (including livestock) cannot be sustained if the planet is polluted. 

This is a two-year program that is offered over four semesters. In the first year, students take taught courses using a combination of face-to-face and virtual lectures. The lectures are on block release and students are periodically taught and also given time to work on assignments at home. In the second year, students undertake a research project focusing on the One Health triad (human health, animal health and ecosystem health).

Structure of the program


Self Sponsored
5,000 US Dollars per year

