
Master of Science in Disaster Risk Management

Program Code





2 years

Offered as

Master of Science in Disaster Risk Management

Program Description

The programme is designed to develop knowledge, skills and competencies required for leadership in careers related to disaster risk management. It integrates various disciplines and approaches in hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment, governance as well as risk reduction measures thereby placing graduates at a higher advantage in the DRM sector. 

Structure of the program

Modules under the programme include disaster prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response, and rehabilitation and recovery, along with risk assessment, DRM modelling, early warning systems, and community engagement

Self Sponsored
5,000 US Dollars per year


This programme admits prospective candidates that are well equipped with Bachelor’s level knowledge and skills in Mathematics, Statistics, environmental-related studies and Social Science. 

A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field with a credit; or

A Bachelor’s degree with a pass and at least two years industrial experience.