
BSc in Disaster Risk Management

Program Code





4 years

Offered as

BSc  in Disaster Risk Management

Program Description

Disasters such as earthquakes, droughts, cyclones, floods, storm winds, landslides, lightening, emerging infectious diseases and pests such as locusts and tsunamis often occur at the least expected time. Some of these, for instance cyclones, floods and droughts, are of late increasing in their severity, frequency and destructiveness. Climate change effects are expected to amplify over 90% of these disasters. In most cases, the poor are the most affected whenever disasters occur as they do not have the resources or any other means to cope and rebuild.
Malawi, like the rest of the world, is prone to both natural and manmade disasters. For developing countries like Malawi, the resulting fatalities in all social groups, critical infrastructure as well as environmental damage undermines hard won developmental achievements, thereby reversing economic growth and progress towards the elimination of extreme poverty. Furthermore, disasters render many people destitute as their livelihoods are mostly dependent on agriculture. Investing in disaster preparedness is therefore important as this will reduce the need for humanitarian action when disasters strike.
From the foregoing, it is imperative that there should be deliberate efforts to develop specialized capacity in the field of Disaster Risk Management in Malawi equipped with applicable understanding of the nature of disasters and their socio-economic impact on societies. This human capacity will be key to the provision of disaster management services including: detection, early warnings of emerging disasters, mitigation, resilience, recovery and reconstruction. Furthermore, these specialists will play a key role in advising government and other stakeholders on appropriate response to disasters.
This programme has therefore been designed to address specific capacity needs in Disaster Risk Management. The programme integrates the basics with advanced and applied aspects relating to Disaster Risk Management. Student research is a key component of the programme where the students will have the opportunity to put into practice the theoretical framework of Disaster Risk Management.

Structure of the program


-Chemistry I
-Algebra and Trigonometry
-Biology I
-Physics I
-Language and Communication
-Introduction to Computer Application


-Physics II
-Biology II
-Computer Programming
-Chemistry II
-Calculus I
-Technical and Business Communication


-Weather and Climate Fundamentals
-Introduction to Disaster Risk Management
-Principles of GI Science
-Introduction to Space and Earth Sciences
-Rocks and Minerals


-Hazards and Disasters I and II
-Introduction to Geological Survey and Mapping
-Applied Statistics
-Fundamentals of Engineering Geology
-Fundamentals of Seismology
-Geomorphology and Soils


-Hazard Mapping
-Disaster and Development
-Practical Weather Observation and Climate Forecasting
-Early Warning Systems
Land-Use Planning and Zonation
-Modelling in Disaster Risk Management
-Integrated Emergency Management


-Disaster Response Systems and Practices
-Disaster Risk Management Planning
-GIS and Remote Sensing in Multi Hazard Risk Assessment
-Indigenous Knowledge in Disaster Risk Management
-Community Vulnerability and Resilience
-Risk Management Theory and Risk Analysis


-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
-Disaster-Risk Reduction and Climate Change
-Social Issues in Disaster Management
-Disaster Risk Communication
-Community Based Disaster Risk Management


-Research Project I and II
-Geotechnical Practices in Disaster Risk Management
-Environmental Management
-Business Management and Entrepreneurship
-Disaster Risk Management Governance
-Gender and Disasters Risk Management


Government Sponsored
650,000 MWK per year
Self Sponsored
1,250,000 MWK per year

SADC Citizen

Total Fees
4,500 USD per year

Non-SADC Citizen

Total Fees
5,000 USD per year


Entry in Year 1: MSCE, “O” Level, IGCSE, GCE at least six strong credits including:
Geography, Physics, Chemistry (or Physical Science), Mathematics and English.

Entry in Year 2: A-level with at least C grade in the following subject Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and computer studies with some programming.