
Parents. guardians warned against fraudsters


Posted By

James Mphande

Posted on

20th Jun, 2024

With MUST announcing that opening dates for newly selected first year students and those selected last year is July 15, 2024, with arrival date being July 14, some fraudsters are on the loose trying to steal from unsuspecting parents and guardians. 

We have reports that a certain Mr Phiri, claiming to be an Acting Dean of Students' Affairs and using phone number 0888080345, is calling parents and guardians asking them to pay him hostel accommodation fees of K80,000, allegedly to secure a room on campus. 

He is lying that there are few rooms remaining hence the need to make this payment. 

All these are lies. First we do not have a Mr Phiri acting in that capacity. 

Secondly, no decision has been made yet on room allocation so talk about few rooms remaining is not true. 

Thirdly, MUST does not collect fees of any type through individual bank accounts or mobile money wallets. 

All fees are paid directly into the university's bank accounts that are in its name. 

So parents be warned of these fraudsters. Please report such people to police but more importantly, do not send them the money.