
Biological Sciences


Our vision in the Department of Biological Sciences is to be a national, regional and international leader in the discovery, development and dissemination of biological knowledge.
The mission of the Department of Biological Sciences is to engage members of staff, train and prepare students, in research, community outreach and teaching positions in the biological sciences. Currently it is offering Bachelor of Science in Medical Microbiology.

The following are our goals:

  • To teach students to use scientific processes used Biology (hypothesis, experimentation, observation and analysis).
  • To provide a strong foundation in biological sciences requisite for other programmes within the university, e.g. Biomedical Science.
  • To train the next generation of biological researchers, educators and the scientific workforce to satisfy national and international demand.
  • To develop and offer graduate programs that integrate research, teaching and community outreach.
  • To create a conducive environment for scholarly activities: fairs, short courses etc.
  • To teach, conduct research, consultancies and community outreach.

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