
Water Resource Management


The department of Water Resources Management is one of the four departments under the Ndata School of Climate and Earth Sciences. Dr Vincent Msadala is the head of this department, which is dedicated to water quality management and related studies.

To provide training to both undergraduates and postgraduates, conduct research and consultancy services in water resources management for socio-economic growth and sustainable development of the country.

To be a unique department that equips students with the fundamental and analytical skills needed to approach any water related problems.

To train high quality graduates as well as coordinate and facilitate research in water resources management.

Strategic outcomes
The overall strategic outcome of the DEPARTMENT is to ensure that there is an Increased Number of Experts in water resources management in the country. Precisely this implies:

  • Increased number of hydrologists, hydro-geologists, water quality experts, WASH experts.
  • Increased water Governance experts including experts in socio-economic aspects of water, water law, EIA & SEIA.
  • Increased number of trained business and entrepreneurship experts in water resources management.
  • Increased number of experts in Ground Water Resources management.
  • Enhanced research in Ground Water Resources.
  • Increased number of experts in borehole design, installation, operation & maintenance
  • Increased number of experts in sustainable management of water Resources
  • Enhanced research in water resources management
  • Increased FEMALE PARTICIPATION in climate change and water resources research, resilience, mitigation and adaptation.
Dr Vincent Msadala
Head of Department

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